Monday, February 16, 2015


Fluctuating every bit
Like that old, dusty bulb
In the corner of a shed
Or an overused, smelly toilet

Like the schizophrenic
In fleeting clarity
Like momentary hope
In her only child.

Like sunlight passing
Through cloudy skies
Like sobs underneath
An infant’s smiles

Like a river of blood
Dark and rosy in parts
Undulating and flowering
Flowing on

Like that spasm of pain
In love’s embrace
Like opportunity
For a desperate case

Fluctuating every bit
Like that now dying bulb
In the corner of a shed
Or an overused, smelly toilet

Friday, February 6, 2015

Seven Poems - Day Seven of Seven

Black and pink
Green and blue,
Tiny little flags
Shiny and new.
Peeping out
So darn cute!
Dazzling away
Pew! Pew! Pew!
For being away
This is in lieu,
Unseen by all
Except for you!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Seven Poems - Day Six of Seven

Poetry’s not a distant star
You’ll catch what all I’m feeling
So I’ll plod on
And write this song
You’re sure to grasp its meaning

The first among these many days
Was frankly very strange
You turned around
Then sweat your crown
I thought you were deranged

But soon in time I came to see
The wonder in your stare
You listen well
Grin as I yell
My silly beary bear

The only unsmooth kink right now
Is effing distance, ew!
Quite high in price
Does this suffice?

My brimming, living love for you?